Shock Jock Meets the President

Infamous long haired radio “shock jock” Howard Stern put on a suit for the first time since his daughter’s wedding to interview the president of the United States. I thought both men were sincere. They took about an hour.

I am holding back my scheduled post, one that my peers at the C-space building helped me edit, because I think this interview is not just for this election year, but is a timeless example of two good men having an interview-conversation.

As Jewel sang, “In the end, only kindness matters.”


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Sean Crawford




Social media note: Stern refers to the undemocratic horror of social media. Yes.

I remember a Youtube “conversation,” clearly labeled as such, with a Very Important Person, where several trolls each angrily commented—can you spell redundancy?—that the interviewer was bad, because he talked, instead of having the VIP do all the talking. What, can’t trolls read the word “conversation?” No, their reading comprehension is at the level of kids in elementary school, as is their level of politeness. No, it’s worse, for I would be ashamed if my child were like a troll.

A VIP can only know he has communicated if the other person’s eyes light up and the person says, “Ya, let me tell you…” As a campus news reporter, I always talked with my subjects, if only as a human to human courtesy, but also partly for that reason.

I like truth and beauty. Hence I read newspapers and buy art. I dislike social media, finding it false and ugly...
Posts created 271

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