Getting to Nice This week I mentioned “kind,” and this month I mentioned my Toastmasters club, a club “for public speaking and leadership.” One night, as usual, my club meeting opened with a brief “introduction question.” The chairman asked us to “Please say your name and What are you known for?” In his case, he was known […]

Gratitude and Mars In the real world, a friend of mine has escaped a very stressful life among relatives. How bad? When some one from her old house came visiting, the dog stayed right with her, shaking, the whole time. That poor dog! Now my friend and her dog have a life of far less stress. I […]

Delighted By Design One day, walking down the hall by our receptionist, I cheerfully announced, “If ever I’m a time traveler stuck in the past, I will make some money by inventing the paper clip…” Given that there aren’t any accidental time portals in my neighbourhood, I have no idea why I would be worried about making […]

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