Exotic Everyday Excitement

seanessay.com We gather, leap off a prompt, and fall down, down the rabbit hole, seeing what happens… on Free Fall Fridays. “There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart.” —Celia Thaxter prompt-ice sculptures If you go to the city of Edmonton, in the middle of January, there they are: ice sculptures. In Churchill square, […]

Debrief on a Zoom Meeting

seanessay.com Inspiring bedside reading: The Art of Gathering subtitled How we meet and why it matters by Priya Parker: A reminder that, as my college teacher for “how to run a meeting” told us, “You can be competent, or you can be incompetent.” Ms Parker is delightfully competent. I wrote this “essay-report” about 24 hours […]

Glad to Be Alive

seanessay.com Down the rabbit hole, having jumped off with a prompt, writing to see what happens… gathering with peers at Free Fall Fridays. Perhaps on that Friday, seven years ago, I was thinking of old research that showed that during wartime the rate of suicides goes down: No one knew why. Besides being glad to […]

After Fifty Passionate Posts

seanessay.com It’s been fifty posts on this new blog. Now what?  From my old blog site, I got into the practise of taking stock every 25 posts. My 25th new blog post, by the way, was called My 25th Experimental Post where I amused myself and others by reflecting on the various experimental writing I […]

Social Media Kills

seanessay.com Social Media Kills. I’d like this slogan on a sweat shirt, especially after that school teacher was beheaded in France. It turns out this week that one of his students, who wasn’t even in class that day of his alleged offence, lied to her father, who then, I suspect, lied on social media—It’s a […]

Light Hearted Free Fall

seanessay.com A recent piece (Feb 20) explored a grim concept. Happy ending, but grim. So let’s have some light hearted writing from Friday Free Fall. You might like imagining a “laugh track” of my peers, on a fine morning, laughing as I read aloud. (1,070 words) prompt- why wait Every day I would see Mrs. […]

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