Marxists infest the Prairie Campus

A fellow Albertan, Professor Jordan Peterson, makes an amazing claim: Professors who believe in “postmodernism” and/or “Marxism” (communism) make up much of the humanities faculty. Hard to believe, in this day and age, that professors still believe in Marxism, or in NeoMarxism. Is Peterson mistaken? Maybe not, hence I am reprinting part of my essay from 2010:

…Recently some Canadian professors in Regina—16 of them—were equally crazy. Obviously these eggheads think not only is our government “separate,” like an occupying power, but the soldiers are separate too. 

The “Regina 16” signed a letter saying the children of soldiers killed in Afghanistan should not be allowed to have university scholarships (the Heroes Program) because the war is “imperialism.” Clearly the professors have forgotten the average soldier can’t even define imperialism, while the rest of us regular Canadians are also shaky on the word… 

Surely it is the responsibility of the professors as part of our community, our body politic, to educate the rest of us. But no. Instead they feel separate, off in some alienated ivory tower. Wimps.

After I blogged the above, a professor did write to my community, having a letter in the newspaper. I blogged in 2010:

I remember a pretty painted white sign across the gleaming white side of a house near the stampede grounds: “Make the rich pay!” Back then socialists had a strident lack of fellowship towards guys like me. I could spot their lack of kinship by reading any of their publications intended for potential converts. All I had to do was take a red hi-light to every word I didn’t understand. Did the Marxists really think regular folks would know what a proletariat is? A bourgeoisie? A lackey? A running dog? By the time I’d finished making red marks the page had a very bad case of measles. I decided these leftists with their measles might not hate me for being so handsome or so rich, but they surely wouldn’t have any affection for me. I noticed communist women were grim, plain, no-make-up people. All the gorgeous babes stayed capitalist!

Now, in our new century, in which Berlin has always been one city, when kids born when “the wall came a-tumbling down” are now undergraduates, the ivory towers remain the last islands of communism on this continent. One of the Regina 16 had a column published in the daily Calgary Herald. His piece doesn’t quite have the measles, but neither does it connect. In the first two paragraphs I find: “…illegal imperialist war of invasion and occupation…our troops… are invaders and occupiers…a U.S. puppet-regime…

What scenario is this professor coming from? In his column, in words too distasteful to repeat here, he trolls Canadian history and sees the army as “an arm of the state” employed against the workers during various strikes: “…workers faced machine gun nests and armoured cars.” In other words, to this leftist professor, the rosy cheeked volunteers are historically not “our boys” but Darth Vader’s.

As a boy, as my blue eyed cousin John stayed with us on his weekends away from Royal Roads Military College, as I ate American pie in the parks while reading books on Lenin and Marx, I couldn’t have explained what was wrong with the professor’s scenario—But now I can.

I would ask that professor, “Did you ever watch The Twilight Zone? Did you see that episode where only one family on the block is idealistic enough to build a fall out shelter in their basement? … One night the radio reports ‘unidentified objects closing fast!’ —panic—a mob!—a battering ram to smash into their neighbour’s shelter…

“Seriously, professor, only a week earlier, at a sunny neighbourhood bar-b-q, do you think anyone cheerfully said that if ever the air raid sirens went off, everyone would switch from being friendly to smashing their neighbour’s door down? No way!

“I assure you, professor, if next year I win the lottery, I will jump for joy. Then yes, I’ll switch to joining the upper class, joining those guys on the beach in that lottery TV commercial. But no, I won’t switch to seeing cousin John as my “storm trooper” for protecting my gold from the likes of you. 

And neither, come to think of it, has any switch been flipped in Prince Harry, a ground soldier until media leaked that he was in Afghanistan, who is now getting his army helicopter wings to go back with the troops. Unlike certain ivory tower leftists, Harry doesn’t shrink from getting his hands dirty with gunpowder and machine oil. And as for that former artillery officer who has presumably become a “filthy rich” recording artist for You’re Beautiful, I’m sure no switch has changed in him, James Blunt, either. 

“I suppose I might, hypothetically, at the last minute, panic and switch to becoming evil, but… My God! Who the heck, outside of some Marxist ivory tower, ever thinks about such things? In my normal everyday life, just like Prince Harry, I like to see myself as a “good guy” who wears a white hat. Don’t you, professor? …  Or are you too twisted up with “making the rich pay?”

God save the Queen.

Sean Crawford

September 30, 2021

Footnote: For more on Professor Peterson, see Youtube videos of protests, and of interviews by, say, PBS or Cathy Newman.

I like truth and beauty. Hence I read newspapers and buy art. I dislike social media, finding it false and ugly...
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