Lost Merry Christmas Links


Well, I wanted to put up a merry post for you. Nothing hard, no prose, only links to three or four songs, and two or three Youtube clips of funny TV shows. 

Like I did on my old blog for the Christmas of 2019, except that this time, because my new blog has a mandate to be much shorter, you would have more fun because “less is more.” I only put in enough links for you to view in just one or two sittings.

But technology has changed in two years. Or else Youtube sold out.

Old blog: I wrote out the URLs in full, so that my readers would have the joy of copy and paste.

But now: The word addresses I wrote out are transformed into big video squares taking up my reader’s bandwidth.

Worse: The squares are black. And they say “not available, go to Youtube.” 

Note to stupid suits at Youtube: That’s where I got the URLs from in the first place! 

Their Answer: Yes, but Mark Zuckerburg and his cronies can’t track you from your site, can’t profit by selling your interests as revealed by your computer trail.

I guess I need to hide from Mark by using duckduckgo. Or else view more reputable music videos, such as Vevo.

My lengthy 2919 Christmas post was meant to be like a file box, where you and I could go and click on links at our leisure, long after Christmas.

I could tell you the title of my old website but blogger has changed formats (partly why I left) so then you would have to tediously scroll. And since I’d rather have my file box here on my new blog, not just my old one, here is the link.

As for why I don’t normally make links the way all the other “right thinking Americans” and/or “computer nerds” do, here is a link to my essay of almost short story length—I know, nerds don’t make links to classic literature short stories—called No Links is Good Links.

The songs would have been:

 On stage, Joni Mitchel, member of the order of Canada, giving an older interpretation of her youthful hit Both Sides Now.

At the Royal Albert Hall, Dame Judy Dench, seated on the stage floor, singing with soul Send in the Clowns.

Also at the Albert Hall, two musical scenes from the Jeff Wayne musical, War of the Worlds, Forever Autumn and Thunderchild, as Sir Richard Burton narrates. Note: the new improved musical will have Liam Neeson narrating, and, instead of projecting 2-D scenes, will use 3-D or virtual.

As for witty TV, it should be easy for you to find David Tennant as a substitute teacher for comic persona of Lauren Cooper, played by the woman who was David’s companion on Doctor Who. She slouches in the back of the class and calls him Space Boy. 

Then I had two clips, hard to find, with rapid witty dialogue of the doctor going undercover as a caretaker at the same school where his companion was teaching. Much to her surprise.

Sean Crawford

in a winter wonderland

December 2021

Blog Notes: I used to joke that counting hits on the front page was either against the laws of physics or the software workers got tired, and meant to come back and fix it later, but never did. Some blog writers coped by having a “home page,” uncounted, for folks to click past to their first page, so that they could count visitors for their latest post. Not me.

I was only joking, but maybe they did neglect, because now, at least on my old blog, there are lots of hits on my first page.

Part of the reason my new blog is hosted by WordPress is that my old blog suddenly would not let me comment on my own pieces. Oh, and they stopped, a few years ago, allowing us to know what key words were getting traffic. Reason? To keep big marketing corporations from finding out for their company web sites. We little guys using google’s blogger, aka, blogspot, were so much chopped liver.

And they changed the format to make it, as one user put it, merely “to tell folks that “Today I ate a sandwich.” Readers could not find earlier pieces; writers could not amend an earlier piece without it being moved to the front page. Fine, if you only wanted to tell folks about your sandwich.

I will stick with WordPress.

I like truth and beauty. Hence I read newspapers and buy art. I dislike social media, finding it false and ugly...
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