Barbarians At the Campus Gate

I already knew about unbelievable student barbarians gathering at certain Canadian campuses: Trying to silence Canadian Professor Jordan Peterson when he is invited to campus to speak, even though he denies being transphobic. 

Now, this week, I see it happening over in England, with students trying to get Professor Kathleen Stock fired. At least in Canada the students are all public, on video. (Except for social media, where cowards are anonymous)

But in England, I don’t even know if all, or most, or any are actually “students.” 

BBC web site, for October 8: “An anonymous campaign included posters accusing Professor Kathleen Stock of transphobia, a claim she rejects. … Posters put up near the University of Sussex campus and an accompanying social media campaign claimed the philosophy professor “makes trans students unsafe.”

As for student safety, my perspective is: Just as non-churchgoers know how to behave in church, so too do first-semester students, in the halls of academia, instinctively know how to safely inquire to seek the truth. Hence my contempt for the barbarians. My concern: If they won’t listen, discuss and think for a lesser issue, an issue without critical mass, such pronouns for transexuals, how could undergrads on their golden campus hope with any sanity to discuss things like war, race and energy? 

Unhappily, I can’t depend on their professors to be a check or balance. In the (50 minute) McMaster video, none of the other professors who were supposed to be there showed up, only Peterson. Furthermore, according to Professor Peterson, 200 colleagues signed a letter wanting his “rice bowl broken.”

I have a university degree. In my day, as ethical volunteers with the student newspaper, we attributed every fact we printed. No guessing. No errors. How, then, to explain what I read in the U of Calgary paper, the Gauntlet, from 2017: (I won’t name the reporter) “He (Peterson) drew ire from many across the country after saying he refused to use the preferred gender-neutral pronouns of some transgender and non-binary students.” Well. Had I been on campus when that issue of the Gauntlet was published I could have challenged the student journalist by asking (link) like William Blake:

What the semester?

What the year,

In what class was the fear?

What the person, what heart did beat,

In fear to ask that pronoun feat? 

When the writer could not answer I would scorn, “So much for journalism ethics! As with social media and village gossip, some of the biggest lies start with “they say.”” Like Mister Rogers I would inquire, “Can you spell factual error?”

Peterson, according to Youtube journalist interviews, can only answer a certain question from journalists hypothetically, saying he would indeed use a pronoun if the student was sincere, and that he has never encountered the issue in real life. 

The BBC: “Professor Stock, who recently published a book questioning the idea that gender identity is more “socially significant” than biological sex, completely rejects the claim that she or her work is transphobic.” Is she correct? How can students know without asking her? Without asking prof Peterson? 

As it happens, both Canada and England are within the British Commonwealth, with a common law tradition that an accused must be allowed to face their accusers. But some students think this courtesy should not be applied. 

It’s as if students are frightened, afraid that on campus the profs, grad students and undergrads might be contaminated, converted, or brainwashed if exposed to Stock or Peterson. Presumably those few righteous students of the one true ideology, those few who would be the self-appointed censors for the rest of us, would not themselves be affected, oh no, only we unwashed masses.

Branwen Jeffreys, BBC Education editor: “The (instagram) “mission statement” claimed to be from “an anonymous, unaffiliated group of queer, trans and non-binary students who will not allow our community to be slandered and harmed by someone who’s [sic] salary comes from our pockets.””

That “(sic)” supports my skepticism about “students.” 

Meanwhile, the free republic that threw off the yoke of King George III calls itself “the home of the brave.” The students there, on Youtube videos, are shown being able to academically discuss with Jordan Peterson.

It was John F. Kennedy, war hero and 35th president, who, during the cold war, said: 

“We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”

God save the queen.

Sean Crawford

During harvest




Memory: In the 1970’s, along Vancouver’s Main Street, I watched a march by communists, of the Marxist-Leninist variety, (Albania and China) who hated the Stalinist-Khruchevist variety (Russia and Warsaw Pact) They strode along shouting something that sounded completely ludicrous in those innocent days: “Fascists and racists have no right to speak or organize!” This in the same decade that Solhenitsyn won the Nobel prize, and only a few years after the seven-game Canada-Soviet hockey series.

(Today, with Russia no longer communist, Canadians would no longer be avid to repeat the series that was front page news for every “game”)

Judy Blume, in 1987, shows a heroine’s brother having frequent nightmares about Marxist atomic bombs descending. (Just As Long As We’re Together)

We still have Marxists… (link) I say, “Let them go to the Ukrainian-student club!… Let them face the genocide!”… I say, “Ich bin ein Ukrainian!”

Update: This essay was a few months before Russia invaded Ukraine. How people can still believe in communism, marxism, leftism, and support Russia is beyond me. Before you say Russia has integrity, and can negotiate, and that both “sides,” Russia and everybody else west of Moscow, will tell lies an equal amount, I suggest you go to the library. Read about the gulags.

I like truth and beauty. Hence I read newspapers and buy art. I dislike social media, finding it false and ugly...
Posts created 271

2 thoughts on “Barbarians At the Campus Gate

  1. Derek Sivers’ conscience (2022-03-22) #
    save lives, derek.
    stop being a narcissistic TEDx fuck.
    save the lives of your readers, your fans, the people who are drawn to you.
    selfish fuck.

    save lives. save lives. save lives. save lives. save lives. save lives. save lives. save lives. save lives. save lives. save lives. save lives. save lives. save lives. save lives. save lives. save lives. save lives. save lives. save lives. save lives. save lives. save lives. save lives. save lives. save lives. save lives. save lives. save lives. save lives. save lives. save lives. save lives. save lives. save lives. save lives. save lives. save lives. save lives. save lives. save lives. save lives. save lives. save lives. save lives. save lives. save lives. save lives. save lives. save lives. save lives. save lives. save lives. save lives. save lives. save lives. save lives. save lives. save lives. save lives. save lives. save lives. save lives. save lives. save lives. save lives. save lives.

    TEDx (2022-03-22) #
    Hi, Derek:

    We made you famous on our site. Now give back and let your readers know where your hidden Silicon Valley love bunker is in New Zealand so they can find you when the nuclear bombs start to drop in the Northern Hemisphere.

    Or are you too much of a chicken to tell people what you really know about what’s going to happen to the EU and the USA?

    Save lives or continue being the worthless fuck you’ve been putting out your self help bullshit without really helping people survive these times.

    Fucking transhumanist, TEDx bootlicking fuck. SAVE LIVES.

    Mom and Dad Sivers (2022-03-22) #
    Derek, this is your mother! Your father and I have been talking about how you keep telling people how great you are and yet you won’t tell them how to immigrate to New Zealand.

    Did we raise you to be a selfish fuck? Not at all. You came from a nice Christian family and then you dunked on your upbringing and went off humping your Mac Plus and sticking your finger into Ray Kurzewil’s space just to suck off his transhumanism.

    Tell them the truth, Derek! Tell them how you’ve rejected your upbringing and yet you make believe you’re self made.

    Was reading your book about “getting every idea out there into the world.” Your momma won’t stop talking about what a selfish shit you’ve become until you SAVE OTHERS by helping them GET TO NEW ZEALAND to start new lives.

    All I see about you on the internet is how selfish and self-grooming you’ve become. My little Beethoven turned into a piece of shit!

    Your mother didn’t raise you that way, you have become a robot’s blowjob and nothing more…

    Earn your stripes, little Sivers — SAVE LIVES SAVE LIVES SAVE LIVE.

    Use your website to SAVE LIVES and stop bragging on yourself.

    Robot-sucking TEDx fuck…

  2. If a loved one has schizophrenia, you may not even know, as it can be controlled by medication. The illness is genetic, not the person’s fault. Appearing usually in the early 20’s the illness may be triggered, but not caused, by stress, and may be exacerbated by smoking cannabis, as the brain is still growing into the late 20’s.

    When a fellow college student went off her medication I was advised to get her in to see the campus physician, not a counsellor. (She might not have gone) This worked. After a hospitalization she was able to graduate during the summer. I was part of her thesis defence panel.

    The important thing is to notice the return of the illness and then support the person to get back on medication. Going off meds while feeling fine is not caused by craziness, but by human error—OK, stupidity—and can have a tragic consequence.

    The tragedy is one may return to daily lifetime medication AND be at a lower functioning level. Never to return to the previous level. Do this one or more times and one may become unemployable, forever on a welfare level of income. Unable to afford a computer for blogging. Seeking solace in cigarettes.

    A friend: “You know the problem with welfare? You can’t afford cigarettes.”

    So if someone goes off medication, don’t be hung up on “their freedom”—intervene!

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