After Fifty Passionate Posts

It’s been fifty posts on this new blog. Now what? 

From my old blog site, I got into the practise of taking stock every 25 posts. My 25th new blog post, by the way, was called My 25th Experimental Post where I amused myself and others by reflecting on the various experimental writing I had done. Actually, I suppose my very first experiment ever was when I attempted an “essay” instead of following the common blog practise of merely telling about my day, my breakfast, or my wandering thoughts.

The feedback so far has been… no feedback. No comments dropped in, and no discernible patterns to my visitor statistics. You may not know why so many folks would have the energy to land on my archive/home page, yet not have the curiosity to click on any titles. I don’t know either.

My Archive page heading says I like concepts, so maybe, to get more clicks, I should have been explicit in every title to say what the concept was. Maybe place it in the first sentence… But no, because then my readers might not be bored, but I sure would be!

It might be amusing, to myself and others, to work back through the last ten pieces to surface just one concept per piece, without saying all the concepts of any piece.

Ok then:

Social Media Kills Listen up, morons: real media has ethics, social media not so much.

Light Hearted Free Fall Try to smile once a day, so that your face is not a stranger to smiles.

Puritan Proposes Hanging Out It’s hard to hang out if you have a hang up.

Stress Makes Me Stupid Stress can be like an ever present dead hand squishing on your brain for so long you forget what is happening to you—or what used to happen.

Cute Time and Space Getting away from present-space can open up a whole new dimension… (Yes, that’s a joke; time is the fourth dimension)

Quotations for Radical Muslims A guy who met Queen Victoria can say on television, “If you are certain of something then you are certainly wrong.”

Doctor Who and I Go Time Traveling Forget culture being sacred, traditional and fixed—there has been a flowing stream of changes since I was a boy.

Death of Buffy Thanks to Japan and the show Babylon 5, many US TV shows (unlike the original Star Trek) are no longer made to be shown in random order. (Like Star Trek’s Enterprise and Discovery)

Fitting in to College Moving away to college is like moving to a new town or city: If you don’t grow some school spirit, you might not thrive. 

(Note: Even in a city that is initially as huge, cold and lonely as New York, you could muster the city spirit to look at yourself and say with excitement, “Manhattan: It was his town” to the sound of Gershwin music—the opening line of the movie Manhattan)

Death of Anya When you mess up, it is better to take Responsibility, have Remorse, and make Repairs than to die by substance abuse: Which sounds like common sense to you or me, but truly not to alcoholics or Anya.

… … OK, that’s ten concepts. Not the most important ten, to be sure, but I was more interested in having a sense of fun than a sense of proportion.

I began today by asking, “Now what?” Given the absence of feedback, maybe I could devote less time here. 

Instead of composing pearls around gritty concepts, and polishing my pretty little prose, I could just reprint Friday Free Fall pieces that my peers liked. Sure. So next week’s concept will be: “The road to despair is paved with small indulgences”: You see, this guy during a World War II winter lives in a wee cabin, and… See you next week!

Sean Crawford

as an aurora borealis glows on the night horizon,



I like truth and beauty. Hence I read newspapers and buy art. I dislike social media, finding it false and ugly...
Posts created 271

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