Placeholder For Babylon-5 As noted in my January 2021 post Death of Buffy, while the BBC, as shown on Canada’s CBC, made episodes designed to air in order, Hollywood television was still producing “stand alone” episodes. Just like during the radio days of Dragnet and Gun smoke. A cop show would have a murder of the week, […]

Firefly was a Masterpiece My buddy Blair (deceased) was brilliant, and I’d like to guest-post his take on the TV show Firefly…  As for Firefly, you know how some shows only manage to go one season? Or only halfway, until Christmas? Firefly didn’t even make it that far. Which sounds bad, but— copies were soon flying off the […]

Cute Time and Space  In my Doctor Who Children’s Annual there was a drawing of Albert Einstein within a sidebar to explain space and time. The box read, (from memory) “There can be no space without time; there can be no time without space.”  So every location is in space-time. I find it liberating to give respect to […]

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