Written During Free Fall Friday … Prompt- please please please be quiet “I wish,” said Jimmy the nerd, “that our textbooks would have repetition, because then I would do better on the test.” We were in the school library, keeping our voices low. I shot him a sharp glance—everybody knew Jimmy got the best […]
Free Fall Anticipation of Retirement They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them. Lawrence Binyon Inscribed at the Scottish National War Memorial I was there, at the memorial in Edinburgh, back […]
Mommy, What did You do in the Ukraine War? “Remember kids, nobody brave or honest believes anything the Kremlin says… Unlike the Russians, even the boy who cried wolf at least told the truth once.” Today, I quote someone with more soul than I. He was in the peacetime German army, when Germany was a democracy, and later fought for Kosovo’s freedom against […]
A Near Senior’s Stressful Flight Booking I thought I was safe, my jet tickets and hotel all fully paid for. “Paid for” is important, because right after my next trip, early next year, I will officially become a starving pensioner, like my friends. … I may well have my last ever trip by air. With Trudeau as our prime minister, […]
Look Mum, a Local Culture Despite being asked to join, I’ve never been on Facebook. Just as well, maybe, as now “they say” teenagers believe Facebook is for old people. I believe “they.” Besides, a teen in her final year of high school has, in passing, documented this fact in a prose article for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Madison […]
Existing in Exotic London England I hesitate at essaying about my “tourist in London” life. Having known one or more people who were in the Peace Corps in Africa, or who did the back packing thing in South America, or taught English in East Asia, I notice: Seldom do they explain “social studies” or tell stories, and very seldom […]