Russian says Adults will Wriggle like Eels Reminder: The Kremlin said the troops were massing for peaceful purposes and would never cross the Ukraine border. In the first weeks of the “special military operation” Russian civilians refused to believe their own relatives who told them Russia was shelling their buildings, and soon the Kremlin said the Ukrainians were shelling themselves. Remember?  […]

Ideas, Things and People The progression goes: Most folks talk about people, fewer talk about things, fewer still talk about ideas. People David Gazard I see have some blog hits from Australia. In my late middle age, I am remembering: That’s where my university student newspaper editor, David Gazard, went to live. Turns out the “journalism ecology” there, […]

Forsaking Freedom Would I give up a year or two of my life, or ask a young man to do so, for the cause of freedom? Right now there are nations in Europe, not all of them in NATO, that enforce a year or two of conscription, what Americans loosely call “the draft.” I can see […]

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