There was a time when I mock-grouched, “Work colleagues can travel home to Asia and Africa, while I can’t even afford to fly to Saskatchewan.” (the next province over) Then a colleague at work, one year, flew to see the WWI battlefields in France. Well. So I decided to finally start budgeting too: Being […]
From Alaska, Eschewing Sunny Hawaii for Grey London When tourists are in Alaska they may forget that Alaskans can go be tourists too. And while the British Isles reward rambling there are also rewards from remaining in Central London: 90 per cent of the London tourist attractions are in the centre. After meeting an Alaskan I found London travel advice, from Quora […]
Let me Finish, as I Must say Goodbye during Friday Free Fall, writing until the timer goes off. prompt- let me finish my sentence The saddest words are “let my finish my sentence!” It’s not very dignified, it shows panic, it shows being at the mercy of another. It shows an emotional sentence with swirling emotions going on. And it’s embarrassing to […]
Incongruous Animals In Free Fall from Free Fall Friday Prompt- four magpies and a squirrel The world is full a lessons, patterns, swirling forces… Some magpies were gathered on a curb, the dead squirrel on the road. The pattern of DNA ribbons and selfish genes meant the birds did not push and shove. Each took their turn to savour […]
Changing Opinions about Changing Dreams From Friday Free Fall writing Prompt- changed opinions The coulees around Lethbridge change to green with the blessed rain. Oh, one can curse the rain, expend energy in hunching shoulders and frowning eyes, but why? The same amount of rain still gets into you eyes and down your collar and into your shoes. The […]
Free Fall Kaleidoscope and Yelling … Written on Free Fall Friday … Prompt- stop yelling Words to live by. Nobody yells about the falsity or truth of the Pythagorus theorem, or the pigments in acid green. No, we only argue about the most unprovable subjective things. It was Dale Carnegie who pointed out that no one ever wins an […]