Howdy internet folk, it’s time for free fall again. Writing with a timer while plummeting to earth is fulfilling, and amazing, like watching a dog dance: It’s not that the dance is done well, but that the dog dances at all. … … Writing prompt- political correctness So there I was, doing all that’s […]
My Mother-in-law is a Free Falling Train Wreck
Free Fall Friday is a time when me and my peers, cautious slow writers, can loosen up, forget our “silly, slow, edit-as-you go,” and just let her rip! We set a timer of ten or fifteen minutes, to write before we hit the ground. For today’s pieces, my peers said, “Blog it” and “This is […]
Free Falling in First Person Since free fall writing, by definition, is not edited, I don’t need to hold this “essay” back for my peers to edit. I can simply cut-and-paste yesterday’s Free Fall Friday. (10 a.m.-12 noon at the Alexandra Writers Centre, in person and another group online) Prompt- afraid One day, I realized I was afraid. I, […]
Free Fall Hurtling into Poppies The joy of Fee Fall Writing is not how well one writes, but whether, while hurtling to the ground, one can write at all. Writing prompt- A tarot card marked “success” Jeez I wish I had more success. My fellow essayist George Orwell said, “Everyman’s life, seen from inside, is a series of defeats.” […]
Time Flies in Free Fall to the Ground
A raven on a skull inspired the writing prompt of Tempus Fugit, the ground was fifteen minutes away It was a death camp survivor, Victor Frankel, who knew the value of time. He had to live day to day, of course, to survive the horror. And he found that all of the survivors, as many […]
If Zeus Blasts My Drinking Buddy… Today was Free Fall Friday, writing to prompts. … … Writer Prompt- coffee, the elixir of the gods It’s all my fault. I was minding my own business walking past some silly marble temple in the twilight. I could barely make out, through the trees, some deer fighting a tangle of branches in his […]