I wasn’t going to write today, until I saw a BBC news story. So sad. A mother disappeared, and now her children are teenagers, but of course if she wanted to show up with no questions asked, it would be at Christmas, so they set her a place, and it tears their hearts. The most […]
Cruel Students Who Ignorantly Cancel
seanessay.com Anyone who reads my essays probably takes a grown up interest in the news, and has heard how this summer a 24-year old man tried to murder Salman Rushdie in public, onstage, for a novel published back in the 20th century. I was not surprised to learn that the grown adult who attempted to […]
Lost Merry Christmas Links
seanessay.com Well, I wanted to put up a merry post for you. Nothing hard, no prose, only links to three or four songs, and two or three Youtube clips of funny TV shows. Like I did on my old blog for the Christmas of 2019, except that this time, because my new blog has a […]
Jung and Sue, while I Have a Life too
“That tree” had lush branches of green needles sweeping down. “I don’t want to strike a match,” Jung said, “but we should be able to feel around well enough to sleep under those branches, the ground around a tree is always clear, the branches truly add warmth—actually, you’re smaller than I, you might fit the […]
From Friday Free Fall Writing
prompt- desperate gamble There are calculated risks where, for good or ill, you can recover and go on. But a gamble is a binary proposition. It works, or you lose all. Oh, let’s not go there. In our civilized life, a gamble is figurative, really, not the end of the world if you lose. But […]
Cute Time and Space
seanessay.com In my Doctor Who Children’s Annual there was a drawing of Albert Einstein within a sidebar to explain space and time. The box read, (from memory) “There can be no space without time; there can be no time without space.” So every location is in space-time. I find it liberating to give respect to […]