Values? The Olympics? Fixing the Games? As with the meaning of “education,” or “Christmas,” if we snooze on pondering the meaning of the Olympics then we end up drifting over to the default of other people’s values. Then we lose, as many other minds are “imprisoned” from having known almost only professional sports, or […]
Sympathetic to Travellers, Hating Warriors (under 900 words) “Hey, sailor!” A United Nations naval contingent steaming near Indonesia, in the future, has my sympathy. Especially as thousands of sailors and marines of several nations find themselves zapped through time, arriving in the mid-pacific, in darkness, there to tangle with the U.S. fleet steaming to fight the Battle of Midway. […]
Modern Violence and Revolution in France What could I say to a grown up Canadian daughter, to help her speak to her Canadian mother, when her mother is being sympathetic to Muslims murdering in France? “Mother!” After some Muslim-on-atheist violence in Paris, the mother pointed out the Muslim killers had felt provoked… that the westerners hadn’t needed to act that […]
Patriarchy and Hierarchy I wonder how many times we come across the words “hierarchy” and “patriarchy,” often mentioned in the same sentence, without truly knowing the definitions. It’s easy to keep our eyes lowered, our consciousness lowered. In his pre-war memoir Bugles and a Tiger, a young peach fuzzed lieutenant, (subaltern), Robert Masters, learned not to complain […]