As a senior citizen—and I wonder how many folks feel the same— I have lost things, and I have seen things. In early middle age I used to idly toy with the idea of attending Pepperdine University, in California, so I could take writing classes from David Gerrold—he’s a master! But I ran into […]
From Scary Job Interviews to Generous Adult No longer wet behind the ears, it’s queer to look back at my progress. This after once being scared about getting and keeping a job. But then an executive in a forgotten business training film had said, “It’s normal to ask who would hire me.” Oh. Working at different job contracts, I was heartened […]
Meeting Elton John, His Character and Hierarchy I keep three wishes ready, Lest I should chance to meet, Any day a fairy, Coming down the street (1932 Annette Wynne) Three things I would say if I met Sir Elton John. First: Sincere flattery, but not from judging his musical ability, since I can’t tell good songs from bad, not as well […]
On Being Both Anti-Communist and Anti-Covid I wrote to my member of parliament: Not a rant, but a short calm letter. It’s queer. You might expect conservatives to be against communism—but once a right wing person becomes an autocrat, say in Eastern Europe, then he leans towards Russia and other fellow despots. You might expect “progressive” liberals to be against […]
No, I Don’t Do Now Pages I realized the Web has led to many people joining the gig economy and being freelancers and touting themselves from their blog. Among publishers, since most books lose money, it is common to encourage their writers to have a “web platform” as in to already have readers, as in lessening the risk of publishing. […]
Lifting Up My Eyes to do a Good Turn When you step outdoors look at the weather; when you step indoors look at the faces. Chinese proverb Automatic writing, powered by the muse, is what I do on Friday mornings. This week, during a “stream-of-fiction” writing, my page included a retired man who sometimes spent a few days in the capital city to […]