This week, some art smacked me right into bed with my clothes on. How to describe it? No, it wasn’t a painting that distressed me, although for some folks a picture can be awfully rough. Every year around this time the Imaginus poster sale makes the rounds of campuses. One reproduction is always bigger […]
When Ego Hurts Groups As a warning to individuals Derek Sivers blogged Ego is the Enemy. I am alarmed by ego within groups, so I commented twice on his post, and wrote him a letter too. With some parts omitted, to stay under 900 words, (plus many silly comments) here are my concerns: Letter …omitted… Derek, I told […]
Getting to Nice This week I mentioned “kind,” and this month I mentioned my Toastmasters club, a club “for public speaking and leadership.” One night, as usual, my club meeting opened with a brief “introduction question.” The chairman asked us to “Please say your name and What are you known for?” In his case, he was known […]
Google, Culture and Kindness A blog I have bookmarked, by celebrity-teacher Seth Godin, this week (Nov 22-23) has a short post on kindness, right below a short post on google. Seth’s trademark is short posts. The kindness post graphed how the word “kind” has been used in books, over the past 200 years, far, far more often than […]
Gratitude and Mars In the real world, a friend of mine has escaped a very stressful life among relatives. How bad? When some one from her old house came visiting, the dog stayed right with her, shaking, the whole time. That poor dog! Now my friend and her dog have a life of far less stress. I […]
Stupid Rich People’s Party I got invited to a party! Oh boy! Well, not just me, everyone in the Advanced Toastmasters club, where I had been a guest a couple times, was invited. But after that stupid party, I never went back to that club… The girl with the harp from last week’s post, Eily, told me she […]