Good Media Ain’t Social Media This week thugs stormed into the US capital building—because of what they believed. If they believed fake news, then was this news from normal, traditional media? No, it was from social media, beginning with tweets from their government’s Chief Executive Officer. As I see it, Social Media Kills. Today, curating what others have said, […]

Free Fall Travel Every January, besides visiting their local gymnasium, some people see a travel agent, being resolved to spend “whatever it takes” to go somewhere this year. Because if we don’t resolve, then somehow another year slips by. At my regular class for “Free Fall Friday” writing, (At the Alexandra Centre Writers Society) I wrote two […]

Patriarchy and Hierarchy I wonder how many times we come across the words “hierarchy” and “patriarchy,” often mentioned in the same sentence, without truly knowing the definitions. It’s easy to keep our eyes lowered, our consciousness lowered. In his pre-war memoir Bugles and a Tiger, a young peach fuzzed lieutenant, (subaltern), Robert Masters, learned not to complain […]

On a Cheery Child Note Last week’s piece on Art ended on a grim note, so I surveyed my old Friday Free Fall writings for cheery childhood stuff. …We gather Friday mornings to have a “prompt,” of a word or phrase, then write swiftly, roughly, no parachute, no ‘do overs.’ … Prompt-the little people … Some like it hot, […]

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