Why We Hate Canadians

seanessay.com (under 900 words) Falling down the rabbit hole. prompt- Don’t eat the snow Have you ever been to Missoula? Right on the Great Plains? Right next to Canada? Let me tell you—here in Missoula? We hate Canadians. Why? It’s too far to go to hunt or ski, but not too far for them to […]

Firefly was a Masterpiece

seanessay.com My buddy Blair (deceased) was brilliant, and I’d like to guest-post his take on the TV show Firefly…  As for Firefly, you know how some shows only manage to go one season? Or only halfway, until Christmas? Firefly didn’t even make it that far. Which sounds bad, but— copies were soon flying off the […]

People Watching

seanessay.com From gathering on Free Fall Friday, with prompts prompt- she had something to tell him There she was, in the cutesy ginger snap café with her cute blue beret that brought out her eyes. She was about 18, sometimes jiggling her knee, more often moving her toe up and down. The chairs were more […]

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