I don’t have survivor guilt because I am grateful God has a purpose for me. We were soldiers once… and young. Now, twice a week I support a volunteer archivist. Approaching the Museum of the Regiments, in the cold autumn air… I hear again quiet forlorn radio voices in the night. I smell machine […]
Being Part of the Solution to Social Media
Headnote: The nation of Finland seems willing to say that social media can be fake news (link) On one of my favourite blogs the host abandoned twitter about the time that platform began having blue checkmarks for special commenters. Someone who was obviously not part of his ongoing blog community, and didn’t know that history, […]
How President Trump First Transitioned into Power Although best-selling author Michael Lewis grew up before the age of internet outrage—which the public finds so attractive—he is willing, writer-wise, to “show not tell” outrageous things about Donald Trump, shortly before and after Trump took office. What a moron. Trump I mean, not Lewis. The US has a law that, between the November […]
A Farm Wife, a Banshee, and a Powerful Old Man
Yesterday is relevant again… My favourite Canadian National Film Board movie is a story only six or seven minutes long, in black and white—and it stabbed. Not a story for me to see at bed time, not unless I have a stiff drink at hand, not unless I want to stagger up out of a […]
Saving My Sister From Social Media Am I my brother’s keeper? Below I have an article URL from today about a candidate for the US vice presidency, J.D. Vance, using social media. I wonder if there will ever be a time when society can face up to not even the horror of war, but merely the horror of social media […]
Beaming Down From the Essay ship to Fiction It’s my blog anniversary, I’ve crafted 250 essays, hurray! Time to reflect. Why would a plain working-world guy like me write essays? And why do university student write them? In this exciting new decade, why wouldn’t we all just use Artificial “Intelligence” to write things for us? A retired professor’s blog, Orange Crate Art, […]