Canada has Useful Idiots I have known them from my reading, as they have kept reappearing like poison ivy down the decades, ever since 1917. That man who Iooks like Lucifer, Vladimir Lenin, called them “useful idiots.”  You might think that after the fall of the Berlin Wall, no longer did (useful-to-Russia) innocent fools stick up for communism. […]

Timely Gravid Quotes You may have heard that after some agonizing over their traditional neutrality, Switzerland has followed the EU lead for freezing the bank accounts of oligarchs, and denying them entry to the alps. This from a country that once stored Nazi gold. The Swiss have surely done the right thing. Holocaust survivor and author of […]

Middle Aged Witness to Truckers As you, my offshore readers, know, the Canadian flag is flying worldwide these days, as anarchists are attempting road blocks using “mobile barricades,” better known as trucks. You might ask me: Is Canada a democracy? Well, we try, albeit certain folks, who read social media while refusing to take a grown up interest in the […]

No Placeholder Today As the headline says, no placeholder today. This even though I have a piece nearly already composed in my head, but for now, I think I have to learn a lesson to be more time-organized, a lesson best reinforced by having nothing to put up today. Catch you on the flip side; see you […]

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