(1,000 words) The first time I knew anyone living with schizophrenia was when a college classmate in her late 20’s, “Shawna,” was acting a little strange. A group of us slightly older students (early to mid-20’s) were leaving the younger ones to their long counter nook upstairs, “the Soup Kitchen” while we gathered at […]
Personal Egos and Poor Russians I have an interest in ego, after years of admonishments from my dad. And from seeing Chinese sages and Japanese sensei’s (martial arts) lead by example for having their ego under control. I am certain, just from my knowing human nature, that “Honest Abe” would have had a great ego, yet he surely did […]
A Duped Lady Lies and Replies to Arnold In last week’s post, in both footnote and main body, I admired Arnold making a video-talk to address Russians. This week a young lady carefully wearing an old sports jacket, with the sleeve signed by Arnold Swartzenegger, has attempted a Russian propaganda counter-video to Arnold’s successful one. I am disgusted. Last week I said […]
Best Secret Reason to Invade Ukraine As everyone knows, the Russians thought they could occupy Ukraine just as fast as their forces could drive across the country, with girls handing them flowers, as a prelude to installing their own Moscow-leaning puppet government. (Strange to see puppets, on stage, leaning to one side) As for we in the west knowing WHY, […]
Moved to Pity by reading Circe Today I am moved because I finished the excellent novel Circe, (Pronounced ‘sur see’, accent on first syllable, I looked it up) about the island witch who turned the companions of Odysseus into pigs. It is selling quietly and well, translated into 25 languages. I suppose I can leave out telling you the book […]
Propaganda Posing as Social Media BBC March 9, headline: A Russian woman considers leaving her country behind. (link) QUOTE “I don’t know whether I should pack for a month, a year or forever,” she tells me. “But I worry. I see a lot of supporters for this war around me, people who watch state TV channels. They seem like […]