I’m not angry with Apple, any more that I’d fight with the Russians in Ukraine. But I’d fight against the Russians, and I’m feeling angry at Apple. I was at the Apple Store, in the “mall,” in the late afternoon today. (Called “Chinook Centre”) It’s Tuesday. I knew from my recent visit that you […]
Mommy, What did You do in the Ukraine War? “Remember kids, nobody brave or honest believes anything the Kremlin says… Unlike the Russians, even the boy who cried wolf at least told the truth once.” Today, I quote someone with more soul than I. He was in the peacetime German army, when Germany was a democracy, and later fought for Kosovo’s freedom against […]
A Near Senior’s Stressful Flight Booking I thought I was safe, my jet tickets and hotel all fully paid for. “Paid for” is important, because right after my next trip, early next year, I will officially become a starving pensioner, like my friends. … I may well have my last ever trip by air. With Trudeau as our prime minister, […]
Ideas, Things and People The progression goes: Most folks talk about people, fewer talk about things, fewer still talk about ideas. People David Gazard I see have some blog hits from Australia. In my late middle age, I am remembering: That’s where my university student newspaper editor, David Gazard, went to live. Turns out the “journalism ecology” there, […]
Making a Difference the Long Hard Way Two posts ago I was remembering a prime minister’s plan for controlling “wages and prices.” Now I am again feeling middle aged. Down the decades, I have seen how individual writers, on the New York Times bestseller list, can indeed make a difference; it just it takes a while to impact the culture. It […]
Forsaking Freedom Would I give up a year or two of my life, or ask a young man to do so, for the cause of freedom? Right now there are nations in Europe, not all of them in NATO, that enforce a year or two of conscription, what Americans loosely call “the draft.” I can see […]