Continuing my late October blog theme of lifetime leisure: On the show Saturday Night Live a comedian scolded, “Get a life!” No doubt this was a twist on the slogan of the well rounded Ancient Greeks, “Not life, but a good life, is expected of every citizen.” Do trolls have a life? As you […]
Ugly People and Unforeseen Populism I wonder what the conspiracy-folks think of this November issue of The Atlantic. The one with a cover story of the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, General Mark Milley, who’s father served in the pacific during WWII. Milley had to try to rein in President Donald Trump. “The Donald” was clueless. Flip […]
War and Gratitude Free Fall Writing: As defined by novelist W.O. Mitches, where you fall out of a plane and write like mad to save your life before you hit the ground. We pull prompts out of a hat. Writing prompt- Peace in the valley One of my joys in life is having peace in the valley. […]
Remembrance Day for the Tragedy of Troy a long re-run today, twice the usual length For Remembrance Day I feel this is timely, as novels are selling about Ancient Greece: This year I have read Stone Blind (about Medusa) Circe (Who hosted Odysseus on her island after the war) and Elektra (about Elektra’s mother, who was Helen’s sister, and of Cassandra […]
A Diploma for surviving in Leisure Services On our last night we had a graduation dinner. Our guest speaker was from a similar program, at a university in the US. He told us that when he explains the monetary opportunities for leisure, such as in tourism, to the parents of his students, then the parents are eager to go into leisure […]
Leisure is for Your Good Life Middle aged “British Ann” took a “learn to ice skate” class through campus recreation. Lots of adult immigrants took it too. On her last day I watched Anne skate around the oval without clinging to the boards or using any walker. Big smile. “Look Ma, no hands!” I am reminded of how tourists in […]