Hoverboards in New London

seanessay.com Leaping from a prompt, falling down, down a rabbit hole, while writing to see what happens… at Free Fall Fridays. prompt- Thinking box “You are thinking,” he said ponderously “inside the box.” We were in the boardroom and BJ Edison, the CEO, was addressing all his senior and middle executives. I traced a box […]

Exotic Everyday Excitement

seanessay.com We gather, leap off a prompt, and fall down, down the rabbit hole, seeing what happens… on Free Fall Fridays. “There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart.” —Celia Thaxter prompt-ice sculptures If you go to the city of Edmonton, in the middle of January, there they are: ice sculptures. In Churchill square, […]

Debrief on a Zoom Meeting

seanessay.com Inspiring bedside reading: The Art of Gathering subtitled (Goodreads link) How we meet and why it matters by Priya Parker: A reminder that, as my college teacher for “how to run a meeting” told us, “You can be competent, or you can be incompetent.” Ms Parker is delightfully competent. I wrote this “essay-report” about […]

Glad to Be Alive

seanessay.com Down the rabbit hole, having jumped off with a prompt, writing to see what happens… gathering with peers at Free Fall Fridays. Perhaps on that Friday, seven years ago, I was thinking of old research that showed that during wartime the rate of suicides goes down: No one knew why. Besides being glad to […]

After Fifty Passionate Posts

seanessay.com It’s been fifty posts on this new blog. Now what?  From my old blog site, I got into the practise of taking stock every 25 posts. My 25th new blog post, by the way, was called My 25th Experimental Post where I amused myself and others by reflecting on the various experimental writing I […]

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